Wednesday, October 12, 2005

What are these?

1 comment:

insider said...

BOSTON - Scientists gathered at Harvard recently to shower praise and admiration upon persistent inventor, Gregg Miller, of Oak Grove, Mo. The Ig Nobels, given at Harvard University by Annals of Improbable Research magazine, celebrate the more bizarre side of the scientific process.

Miller designed and created Neuticles, prostethic testicles for dogs that are fixed. What began as a question to his vet about his own dog, evolved into a burgeoning business for dog freaks everywhere. Miller has sold more than 150,000 of his Neuticles, more than doubling his $500,000 investment. The silicone implants come in different sizes, shapes, weights and degrees of firmness.

“Considering my parents thought I was an idiot when I was a kid, this is a great honor,” he said. “I wish they were alive to see it.”

But just listen to what some satisfied customers have said o­n his website:
"Frodo never knew he lost anything and is just a happier little dog since he's been neutered with Neuticles."
Janell Suasser - San Lorenzo, CA

"The old way of neutering is 200 years old- Neuticles is about 199 years overdue!"
Eric Leven - Tampa Bay, FL

"I've put off neutering "Crooked Jack" for months and when I found out about Neuticles and spoke to them it made me feel better about neutering. Jack not o­nly looks the same now- but dosen't know he's missing anything."
Jeff Lane - Oak Park, Ill

Unfortunately, "Crooked Jack" was later found out to be a 45 year-old guy from Waukegan, IL.
