Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Just in time for Christmas 2

Pre-order today!

It's the book PhRMA first commissioned then cancelled and then tried to cover up! Quick recap: The above august body decided to try and frighten the US public from buying cheaper Rx medicines from Canada by commissioning a pulp fiction thriller about terrorists poisoning such medicines!

These reviews are of PhRMA, not the book:

"This is the most outrageous example of deception and duplicity on the part of a Washington lobby in the history of the country," said Capitol Hill denizen Jeff Weaver, chief of staff to Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)

According to Philadelphia Inquirer reporter Thomas Ginsberg, "This is no pulp fiction farce. Call it bookgate, an impossible-to-make-up public-relations disaster now dogging the pharmaceutical industry."

Book review will follow. It's on Insiders' Christmas list.

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