Monday, November 14, 2005

UK regulators become advertising copy approvers

The UKs' Medicines and Healthcare product Regulatory Agency is to start assessing adverts for all new drugs according to a press release on their website. Currently adverts for certain new drugs are vetted, but following the Health Select Committee’s Report on ‘The Influence of the Pharmaceutical Industry’ the MHRAs' remit is to be widened to cover all new drugs.

The period of vetting is likely to extend to about 6 months post launch unless problems are identified in which case this could be extended. This extension also comes at a time when the MHRA are upholding more complaints about drug adverts, as published on the website.

Insiders' view: The size of this undertaking should not be underestimated. All around the country one will hear the wailing of Big Pharma product managers as they miss launch deadlines! The MHRA have their own way of working which, at times, can make a Kafka novel seem straightforward!


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