Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Celebrex trial - any volunteers?

Pfizer has enlisted one of Celebrex's first critics to run the 20,000-patient PRECISION study, which could determine the drugs future..

Steven Nissen of the Cleveland Clinic, who co-wrote with his boss Eric Topol a 2001 journal article that raised the alarm on both Celebrex and Vioxx, will be running the show.

It will compare Celebrex to two other popular arthritis drugs, the active ingredients in Aleve and Advil, in patients who are already at high risk for heart attacks.

Alastair Wood, associate dean at Vanderbilt University Medical School has commented, "That's the study Merck said couldn't be done."

The trial may not be finished until the middle of 2009, but when it wraps, Nissen says patients will have finally answered raging questions about which arthritis drugs are safest for those in pain. "If you have arthritis, you're going to have to take something," says Nissen. "So what do you take? Celebrex, ibuprofen or naproxen?"

Volunteers for the study form a line, please!


Anonymous said...

Um, sign away my rights to sue after Pfizer removes 40% of my muscle mass testing a drug that only as effective as Motrin? No.

Anonymous said...

My name is Jane Eaton and i would like to show you my personal experience with Celebrex.

I have taken for 11 months. I am 39 years old. Celebrex works too well, which is why it is so dangerous. It is one of the most effective things you can take for arthritis-type issues, and for controlling inflammation/pain after knee surgery. But the side effects are very extreme: intestinal bleeding/perforation, heart problems, and liver toxicity. I am allergic to Ibuprofen and Alleve, so Clebrex was a life saver. But I am not willing to sacrifice my liver for it. The ER staff told me that they see very serious side effects in Celebrex patients.

Side effects-
I ended up in the emergency room in extreme pain and hyperventilating because of liver problems.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Jane Eaton