Sunday, December 11, 2005

Merck UK - hitting a nerve

Merck UK has begun a consultation process that looks certain to end in the closure of its Harlow-based Neuroscience Research Centre (NRC) and the loss of 330 of Merck’s 1,900 UK jobs.

The move is part of a massive global restructuring programme aimed at saving billions in Merck’s manufacturing operations and will result in approximately 7,000 redundancies worldwide.

Though NRC is actually a basic research facility, the site will bear the brunt of the UK restructure with almost its entire workforce of 260 expected to lose their posts.

MSD managing director, Vincent Lawton, said: "These are difficult times for employees, their families and our communities, but especially for those individuals whose positions are directly affected. We will be consulting widely and intend to offer support through our Employee Assistance Programme, as well as dedicated outplacement and financial advisory services."

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