Sunday, December 18, 2005

Rost vs Pfizer

Read all about it here:


Anonymous said...

I love Kindler's letter to Rost. Thanking him for cleaning up, and then Fitzhenry tried to blame Rost in the press for the mess. Perhaps Kindler and Fitzhenry should try out for a sequel to "Dumb and Dumber."

Anonymous said...

Very funny!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Rost's lawyers should try out for that Dumb and Dumber sequel. The documents they posted on their website make Rost look like a desperate, digruntled employee who used a bogus "whistleblower" role to extort employment and a promotion from Pfizer after the company had decided not to keep him around in the post-merger organization.

Also, Rost never seems to explain how, as the Vice President in charge of endocrine marketing for Pharmacia, he did not share responsibility for the illegal marketing that he claims was occuring within his group. That seems like quite a feat.

Anonymous said...

Someone from Pfizer's management found this website, how flattering!

Anonymous said...

I'm not from Pfizer management, but I am practical. There are plenty of reasons to criticize PFE, but we should NOT hitch our wagon to a clown like Rost. He is NOT a whistleblower. This is a disgruntled employee who really enjoys media attention and has left a paper trail demonstrating that he was attempting fight Pfizer's decision to "downsize" him after the Pharmacia acquisition. He's a disgrace to real whistleblowers who risk everything to expose actual criminal activity.