Friday, January 06, 2006

Big Pharmas' Big Problem 5

This piece of puffery shows how bare Big Pharmas' future blockbuster cupboard really is:

Pharmaceutical Executive

Just remember that $50 billion worth of product are poised to come off patent. Also, in the US, more than ever before, health plans and payor organizations are deploying strategies around increasing appropriate utilization of generic drugs.

Generic drugs account for 53% of all prescriptions in the US (it's around 75% in the UK).

Generic drugs account for 12% of costs in the US.

The average branded prescription is four times the cost of a generic in the US.

Generics save consumers $8 - 10 billion per year.

Patient copays are becoming an affordability issue.

Nine out of ten adults are willing to use generic drugs if recommended by their physician.

Eight out of ten adults, regardless of income, would choose a generic if the savings was $10 or greater.

Annual savings on chronic medications can be thousands of dollars for patients.

Catch up with Parts 1-4 here:

Big Pharmas' Big Problem

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