Monday, January 16, 2006

How about Pargluva for the Prix Galien?

The Prix Galien is an internationally recognised award within the pharma industry. Launched in France in 1969, it was named after Roman Philosopher Claudius Gelenus (AD 131-201) widely regarded as the father of modern pharmacology and rewards outstanding achievement in research and development.

The UK Prix Galien was established 15 years ago to recognise the UK industry's achievements in the evolution of medicines. Its main purpose is to recognise and reward innovation. Crucially, it remains the only award ceremony that is completely industry independent, judged by an esteemed panel of some of its toughest customers, headed by Professor Sir Michael Rawlins, chairman of NICE.

Winners of the UK Prix Galien are entered into the International Prix Galien, which runs every two years and pits medical innovators from across the globe against each other.

The next UK Prix Galien will take place in September 2006 at the Houses of Parliament. Entrants must register online by 28th February, with the closing date for completed entries set for 31st March.

Insiders' view: how about Pargluva? Big Pharmas' finest hour in 2005! LOL


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