Lisa Benton, 23, joined the Naked News anchor team in January, 2006, after a very well-received guest anchor visit. An effortless beauty and uninhibited personality, Lisa brings a whole new spark to the programme.
Born in Toronto, Lisa is the youngest child in a large blended family. With older siblings to contend with, Lisa worked on developing her naturally big personality to stand out. A born performer, she never got lost in the crowd, usually winding up front-and-center in any group photo. Sometimes even group photos of strangers.
She continued to stand out, eventually graduating from University with a degree in anthropology and a crew of lifelong friends and vaguely embarrassing memories. Soon after graduating, she put her well-honed schmoozing skills to good use, when she joined a recruiting and consulting firm.
Hi Insider, love your page, but what is the story with these Nekkid News chics ? Have I missed something ? How are they linked to Pharma ?
Keep up the good work.
Nope, no connection to Big Pharma. Insider just likes his news naked!
It doesn't do much for your credibility though.
I think it does, actually.
as much as a link to Michael Moore...
Funny story, actually went to highschool with this girl... was friends with her older brother and step sister
I also went to school with this girl.. My buddy dated her for a bit.. Not a genius by any stretch of the imagination
Too funny...I also went to school with this girl! Maybe we know each other??? Anyhow she is very beautiful and sorry, but very with it and smart. Cudos to her for doing something with her life.
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