Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Drug & Therapeutics Bulletin - an open letter to the UK government

Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt MP
Secretary of State for Health
Dept of Health, Richmond House
79 Whitehall

Dear Mrs. Hewitt,

Save Drug & Therapeutics Bulletin for the NHS

The decision of the Department of Health for England to stop funding the Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin (DTB) for the NHS in England is deplorable and should be reconsidered.

The lack of notice given for this decision is unacceptable. The decision and the way it has occurred threatens the viability of DTB. This also threatens its supply to Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

DTB has built up an important reputation as being independent, and of high quality, it is trusted and valued by its readers. The strength of the product is in its direct provision to most prescribers in the UK. A much recognised role is in providing balance to the promotional activity of the drug industry.

Maybe you should be reminded of your response on behalf of the Government to the The House of Commons Select Committee Report on the Influence of the Pharmaceutical Industry as recently as September 2005? This stated:

"The Government agrees that clinicians should receive independent advice on medicines. Guidance and advice is offered at national and local level already from local Drugs and Therapeutics Committees and from NICE respectively. In addition, the Department of Health purchases the Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin (DTB) for all NHS doctors in England. The DTB is an independent eight-page bulletin, published monthly by the Consumers' Association. It provides critical impartial reviews of treatments."

The decision now not to fund DTB is a U-turn, is short-sighted and will not be cost-effective. The NHS drug budget is under pressure and non-medical prescribing is expanding rapidly.
We need this impartial bulletin.

I urge you to change this decision.

Yours faithfully,

Jack Friday, aka Insider


If anyone would like to use this letter as a template for their own, please feel free!

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