Saturday, May 20, 2006

Pfizer - Exubera; Germany's NICE says "Nein!"

Poor Pfizer.

The Institute of Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG), the German equivalent of NICE, has completed a Rapid Review of Pfizer's inhaled insulin Exubera.

The report aimed to compare inhaled insulin to subcutaneous insulin over several patient-relevant endpoints including HbA1c control, quality of life, treatment satisfaction, hypoglycaemia, adverse drug events and prevention of complications.

The report concluded that:

1. the risks of hypoglycaemia may be higher

2. long term treatment risks are unclear

3. reductions in the number of injections may not improve patient satisfaction or quality of life
They recommended that additional work needs to be undertaken in these areas to allow a more conclusive evaluation to be completed.

So, (on the weekend of the Eurovision Song Contest), that's "null points" for Exubera from both the German and British judges!

BTW. Re. Eurovision. Insider is rooting for Finland's Lordi (pictured)!

Hat tip: Matt at Prescribing advice for GPs

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is any agency ever going to understand that Exubera just isn't safe and effective?

Hello? Hello? Exubera isn't safe and effective.