Monday, June 26, 2006

Pfizer - McKinnell: because I'm worth it

"In my business, pharmaceuticals, the medicines we build this year will not make it to market for 12 to 15 years. So what is performance? Is it current share price? I don't think so. It's long-term value," Pfizer's CEO Hank McKinnell said, speaking at Stanford University's Directors' College.

McKinnell became the target of complaints about excessive executive compensation when Pfizer disclosed a retirement package under which he can he can choose from an annual pension of more than $6.5 million, or a lump sum payment of $83 million. He also earned nearly $16 million in 2005.

More here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saved Pfizer's ass in 2002 when I personally took care of eight of twenty-one items on a warning letter for Pfizer... For that effort I got a 3% raise.

If I’d committed to giving a thousand dollars to the Pfizer Political Action Committee that year I could have met Hank, had dinner with him, shaken his hand and had my picture taken with him.

Yes, Pfizer has values.