Thursday, July 13, 2006

Big Law vs Big Pharma - an even contest?

Another great piece by Evelyn Pringle. Todays topic: drugs for depression.

Here are a couple of snippets:

A report by psychiatrist, Dr Peter Breggin, a court certified expert and author of numerous books on psychiatric drugs, written years earlier when he served as an expert witness in a Paxil lawsuit, reveals how GSK not only concealed negative studies, but also manipulated data about Paxil-induced suicidality so that actual suicide attempts in clinical trials were underreported, while attempts by subjects taking a placebo were inflated.
The report also notes how GSK hid the events related to akathisia (agitation with hyperactivity) and stimulation, which Dr Breggin says, are known risk factors for suicidality and violence.
Excerpts from the report were recently published by Dr Breggin, in the Spring 2006 issue of Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, Vol 8.


Pfizer's SSRI, Zoloft is no better than Paxil. There were also clear indications of probable suicidality risk in clinical trials on this drug long before it was approved.
For instance, in a "healthy volunteer" Zoloft study conducted by Ian Hindmarch in 1983 in which 12 volunteers were randomized to either a placebo or Zoloft, every volunteer but one, who took Zoloft dropped out within days, due to severe agitation, after making comments such as “I was running like a machine inside” and “I have never felt as bad as this in my life”


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is the latest on Breggin.

Launch of Just Say ‘Know’ to Prescription Drugs Campaign Quickly Grabs Attention, Key Endorsements and Support From Medical Professionals