Thursday, August 03, 2006

Pfizer - Lipitor: Worried about fakes?

LONDON (Reuters) - Authorities have found a new batch of counterfeit packs of Pfizer's Lipitor cholesterol pill in the legitimate supply chain, highlighting the risk posed by fake drugs, officials said on Thursday.

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency first seized fake Lipitor tablets in July 2005 and said last month that more packs from that batch had appeared. The packs recalled on Thursday had a different lot number.

"The testing of the counterfeit product indicates that there is no immediate risk to patients, but because it is a counterfeit we can not guarantee its quality," Danny Lee-Frost, Head of Enforcement at the MHRA said in a statement.


To all those who are worried, Insider has a suggestion: switch to generic simvastatin, stat!


Anonymous said...

Better yet, read Gary Taubes, "The Soft Science of Dietary Fat".

Anonymous said...

Can't speak for the uk, but in the states generic simva is more expensive than branded Lipitor.

insider said...

In the UK generic simva is now, to use a quaint expression, "As cheap as chips!".

Less than a dollar a pack!