Friday, September 08, 2006

Remember - public is spelled with an "L"

Some proofreading tips:

1. Never proofread your own work
2. The only way to proof phone numbers is to dial them
3. Read the copy backwards
4. Try proofreading aloud
5. Proofread both on screen and on paper
6. Separate copy editing for meaning from proofreading
7. Proofread for one type of a mistake at a time.
8. Look for misspellings or typos; incorrect word use; missing words; formatting or style problems; and factual errors
9. Review prominent or called-out copy within a layout separately and more carefully – this is often where items can be overlooked
10. Have well-read, dog-eared Associated Press Stylebook close at hand
11. Have a non-distracting environment and be alert
12. Don’t rely on spell check Czech alone

Hat tip: Unsolicited Marketing Advice

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