Saturday, October 28, 2006

GSK - Requip: disease mongering 101

From Oligopoly Watch:

"So what if people are treating their cholesterol, high-blood pressure, and arthritis with generic medicines. The big drugmakers will press on, not finding cures for known diseases, but rather finding diseases for known cures. "

How true.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The truth is that RLS is disease mongering by the drug companies pure and simple. This is a manufactured disease which represents symptoms of magnesium deficiency which is quite common. Every single patient with so-called restless leg syndrome that I have seen has recovered promptly with inexpensive magnesium supplentation. Requip is a powerful Parkinson's drug with side effects such as compulsive gambling. This kind of misbehavior by the drug industry is a red flag indication of a broken medical system, and the dysfunctional government that allowed this to happen.

To read more: Disease Mongering with Requip

Jeffrey Dach MD

my web site