Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Merck/Novartis - Sugar Wars: Januvia vs Galvus

Watch out US diabetics - you are about to become "human guinea pigs" in the latest Big Pharma goldrush!

As the first two drugs in a new diabetes-treatment class near U.S. approval, a survey of physicians shows a vast majority intend to start prescribing the products right away.

Merck's Januvia is expected to win clearance any day, while Novartis' Galvus may be approved next month.

Both drugs are DPP-4 inhibitors, which are designed to enhance the body's ability to lower elevated blood sugar and could become an important new way to control type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease.

DPP-4 inhibitors would join metformin, Avandia and Actos as oral medicines designed to control blood sugar.

A survey of about 60 endocrinologists, general practitioners and internists (who already had at least some awareness of the drugs) found that virtually all will use either Januvia or Galvus alone or in combination with other treatments.

Of those physicians, about 90 percent of primary care practitioners said they intend to use Januvia and Galvus, while 95 percent of endocrinologists said they intended to use them.

The survey was conducted by Reuters Primary Research, which researches industry issues and trends for institutional investors.


Insider's view: stand back, it's gonna be a riot.

Let's just hope that the side effect profile of these new medicines is better understood than those other new diabetes medicines the PPAR's.

You remember them.......Pargluva?.

1 comment:

Benedict 16th said...

Dear PG,
You said "DPP-4 inhibitors would join metformin, Avandia and Actos as oral medicines designed to control blood sugar."

What about the sulfonylureas? Don't tell me the Americans don't use them, like that brand new strange drug called Metformin (Available UK and Oz for about 35 years).
