Tawnya and Allison from the Philly Eagles.
Years As An Eagle Cheerleader: Rookie
College: University of Buffalo
Major/Degree: Communication, Marketing and French
Career/Profession: Pharmaceutical Sales
Years As An Eagle Cheerleader: 3
College: North Carolina State University
Major/Degree: B.S. in Biology and Chemistry
Career/Profession: Pharmaceutical Sales Representative
Hat tip: Old School Rep
What a pair. They sure sold me. Where are the doctors with their comments like, clone these reps. in equal numbers and send them out to us, whatever they are sellinf, we'll buy.
If you havent heard yet, Florida pharmaceutical rep Diana Chiafair was named Miss FHM 2006 for the week of December 6th. These quotes pretty much sum it all up.
“Appearing in FHM has definitely helped me in my work as a rep for a pharmaceuticals company.
“Usually you have to push your way into doctors’ offices to see them; now it’s like, ‘Oh, the FHM girl is here.’
“And I go right on in.
“All the doctors and nurses out there read FHM. They’ve all seen me in lingerie—and I bet they think about what I’m wearing under my uniform when I visit them.”
I'm a very lucky doctor! BOTH of these reps call on my office. I must say that Taynya is even more attractive in person (though her work clothes aren't quite so revealing).
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