"I'd look for continued, reasoned restructuring," said E.K. Riley Advisors analyst Robert Toomey.
"There won't be extraordinary measures, but they'll be aggressive."
Dear Readers, Do you agree?
"There won't be extraordinary measures, but they'll be aggressive."
Dear Readers, Do you agree?
Pfizer should definitely look to cuts in research & development - particularly in development operations - a bloated organization with multi-layered redundancy that results in inefficiencies they can ill afford. They have 4 individuals performing the same activities and the only difference is title - what a riduculous paradigm,
yes, as long as they can still afford to buy all the bright biotech companies they want and then,change their R.D into
"Licensing and Alliances direction" like the small biotech companies they're buying! lol
thank you from a ungraduated french(!)(Nicox shareholder)reader of your top of the best pharma blog ever!
How does it go in French...
Sonnez LaMattina sonnez LaMattina,
Dumb dumb dumb,
Dumb, dumb, dumb...
first:i'm not that dumb; once is enough
in french, it goes like this:
sonnez les matines, sonnez les matines,
you see the difference( from english not from chinese! lol)
Pfizer still has time to save Lipitor with a statin enhancer that reduces all cause mortality (www.audaxinc.blogspot.com). Maybe someone should tell them.
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