Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A warm welcome to Pharmalot

Pharmalot. One to add to the blogroll.

A pharmaceutical Camelot? Let's see.

Good luck Ed Silverman:

“I wanted a ringside seat at as many of the big business happenings that I could possibly attend,” explained Ed Silverman, now a business writer at The Star-Ledger in Newark, New Jersey. Covering the pharmaceutical industry, or what Silverman calls “drugs in Jersey,” Silverman gets a ringside seat to a “big economic engine” in the state.

Silverman graduated from the master’s program in journalism at NYU in 1988. He wrote for Investor’s Business Daily, a daily newspaper geared toward the world of investment, while working towards the degree. Before graduate school he worked for the American Stock Exchange, and then wrote for a chain of weekly papers in Brooklyn and for a trade paper involving computer reseller news. With a graduate degree in hand, Silverman worked for Crain’s New York Business and then at New York Newsday from 1989 to 1995, when the paper closed.

Silverman lives in Milburn, New Jerey with his wife, Lisa, and their three children. Several of his personal interests can be derived from his freelancing diversity. In the past he freelanced for Living Blues, a blues magazine, which he says he did for “sanity,” and he still freelances for The Jerusalem Report, a bi-weekly magazine, on a regular basis.

Silverman encourages aspiring journalists to freelance their work. “Whether you are working for a large newspaper or magazine – get experience,” Silverman advises. “It’s not always a catch-22. You can get your foot in the door freelancing. Pitch ideas. Experience speaks volumes.”

At The Star-Ledger, Silverman says that his “most interesting, most challenging, most educational story” at the newspaper was the fen-phen diet pill scandal that ran for a few years. Beginning in ’96 and continuing to make headlines well into 2000, the scandal allowed Silverman to be at the forefront of the controversy, with a ringside seat, for many years.

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