Monday, February 05, 2007

Hurrah! - Pharma Watch is back

And with a vengance!

Mike comments on the blood drugs: Epogen, Procrit and Aranesp and their recent issues raised in The Lancet.

He notes:

Their editorial is quite restrained, but reading between the lines it is quite clear that the continued unsafe use of these drugs and these unethical trials are being driven by "commercial reasons".

The authors also mention that when another renal expert tried to highlight this appalling situation in an editorial accompanying one of the earlier trials showing adverse effects, it was rejected by the New England Journal of Medicine and eventually ended up in the Wall Street Journal of all places.

Shame on the NEJM (but after the Vioxx fiasco this is hardly surprise).

Welcome back to The Pharma Blogosphere, Mike.

There's lots going on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I will try write a bit more frequently this year but you guys are covering everything already. Plus I don't have good internet access any more.