Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Pfizer - Exubera: quote of the day

''I think Pfizer will wish they had never gotten into this. I doubt they'll regain their investment,''

''There is no advantage to Exubera and there may be a safety risk. I see it as my job to talk people out of (using) it. "

So says Dr John Buse, president-elect of the American Diabetes Association, who participated in Exubera's trials.

Source: NYT

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pfizer still refuses to answer on basic question.

Why is it okay to reduce the lung capacity of Diabetics who already have a myriad of long term health effects from Diabetes?

So far all Pfizer says is that doctors should monitor is and once the damage is done to stop taking the inhaled insulin… Why do the damage at all?