Monday, April 02, 2007

Congratulations to Dr Peter Rost

Never, ever give up. Ever!


concerned heart said...

This is outa sight great news!!!!!!

The movie has a great ending.
Never give up, never, ever.

Thanks Jack.

Anonymous said...

They got off easy but did not get away with thier nasty way of doing business. The net is cast and more bottom feeders will be caught. They (absolutely) all do it and we must educate the employees of all big pharma that it is OK to blow the whistle, morally and financialy. Those who know and have evidence: what are you waiting for, you are so lucky that America has such good laws to punish the offenders. So do it and benefit along with your goverment.
One questions remains unanswered. How come Pfizer (in this case) and other offenders did not get exposed and caught in other countries, Canada, England, Sweden, Switzerland, Russia, you name it. Does anyone in their right mind believe that they did not do it everywhere in the World, when they did it in the country with most severe/punishing laws? Think about it.
ps; those big pharma companies that have not been exposed in US yet, watch out you R next.

Peter Rost said...

Thanks Jack, that warmed my heart!

One process done, two more to win . . .