Monday, April 09, 2007

The Mike Zubillaga Saga contd. - just how big is that "big bucket of money"?

Back story. AstraZeneca summarily fired Mike Zubillaga, one of its regional sales directors, over the Easter break after his avaricious advice for his sales people found its way onto the internet.

Zubillaga is quoted stating three sales goals for calling on cancer doctors' offices for 2007.

His goal No. 3:

"Call Execution - Not making the calls you are supposed to make does not drive your business. I see it like this: there is a big bucket of money sitting in every office. Every time you go in, you reach your hand in the bucket and grab a handful. The more times you are in, the more money goes in your pocket. Every time you make a call, you are looking to make more money."

The voting by PharmaGossip readers on Mike's firing continues apace, with over 200 votes now cast.

So, how big is that "bucket of money" in cancer doctors' offices?

Pretty big, it would seem. Back stories here.

Take a look at the US prices of some of AstraZeneca's cancer drugs:

Casodex 50mg (bicalutamide): $519.76 for 30 tablets

Iressa 250mg (gefitinib): $2,127.35 for 30 tablets

Wouldn't it be interesting to see what these very same tablets cost in other countries around the world?


Anonymous said...


Casodex retail price 30 tablets 231,41 Euro (310 $).

Iressa isn't approved in Germany.

For inpatients in hospital clinics negotiate price with manufacturer (up to 50% discount)

Anonymous said...

(from Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule)
Cosudex 28 tabs AUD$219.51 (US$179.42)
Iressa 30 tabs (surprisingly) AUD$3,820.09 (US$3,122.22)
In both cases, THE CONSUMER PAYS AUD$30.70 (US$25.09) and the Australian government pays the rest.

Anonymous said...


In Germany (statutory health insurance) the patient has to pay 10% or max. 5 Euro (6.70 $) out of his/her pocket. The price above includes 19% VAT. Source: "Rote Liste" - Germany has free pricing for Rx drugs, but a drug price decree with fixed margings and profits for wholesaler and pharmacists.

Benedict 16th said...

My March database for
Cosudex 150mg (AZ bicalutamide 150 mg x 28) - No government price available as not on the PBS (public benefit system)
Cosudex 50mg (AZ bicautamide 50 mg x28) AUD$219.51 Only for metastatic (equivalent to stage D) prostatic carcinoma in combination with GnRH (LH-RH)
Zolacos CG (AZ) is an implant with goserelin (3.6 or 10,8) and bcalutamide 50mg

Iressa (AX gefitinib 250mg x30) AUD$3820.09 Only for monoherapy for locally advanced or metastatic non-small cel lung cancer in pts who are WHO status 2 or less., and multiple other loops to be leapt before authority given.

Sorry would have posted earlier but "trubble down mill"

Anonymous said...

Iressa price is an example of the new trend in big pharma's pricing policy, the way they determine the price of new drug. That is in our future everywhere, not only in USA. Some governments will cover the cost but for how long?
Here is the formula for priceing, according to big pharma in which they generously include the patients in the decesion process:
A/Z:"So Mrs. Smith you have cancer and you are dying. Our new drug Iressa may save your life. How much are you willing to pay"?
Mrs. Smith "$2.347.92 per month"
A/Z: "Thank you that is the price".
How charming?

Anonymous said...

Iressa is no longer available in the US!!!