Thursday, May 10, 2007

J&J - Risperdal: insight can be such a rare gift

O would some power the giftie gie us to see ourselves as others see us.
(O would some power the gift to give us to see ourselves as others see us.)

Robert Burns,
Poem "To a Louse" - verse 8
Scottish national poet (1759 - 1796)

From a great piece in the NYT about psychiatrists, their child patients and the money they make from Big Pharma payments:

Such payments could encourage psychiatrists to use drugs in ways that endanger patients’ physical health, said Dr. Steven E. Hyman, the provost of Harvard University and former director of the National Institute of Mental Health.

The growing use of atypicals in children is the most troubling example of this, Dr. Hyman said.

“There’s an irony that psychiatrists ask patients to have insights into themselves, but we don’t connect the wires in our own lives about how money is affecting our profession and putting our patients at risk,” he said.

Much more here.

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