Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Bush's healthcare plan "a disaster"

Health experts denounced President George W. Bush's 2009 federal budget request on Monday, calling it a disaster for the health of Americans and saying they would look to Congress to change it.

Bush's $3.1 trillion spending plan proposes a 7 percent cut in funds for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as less money for Medicare and Medicaid -- the joint federal-state health insurance programs for the poor and elderly.

The budget for the fiscal year starting October 1, 2009 would reduce spending on Medicare by $12.8 billion and lower federal funds for Medicaid by $18.2 billion over five years.

More at Reuters


Benedict 16th said...

Maybe if there is another Anthrax scare - Bush Oil co. might fund the CDC a bit more...


who's that busting down my door? wow you Internal Security guys are quick... what's that about a one way ticket to Guantanamo?.............

Ol Cranky said...

The CDC yes, but he wouldn't put more money into Medicaid or Medicare. He's only willing to force/extend life as long as it takes to maintain "Pro-life" cred. As soon as it comes to the helath and well-being of old and poor people, he considers these programs a waste of taxpayer dollars. I can just hear Darth Cheney explaining the cost efficiency of cutting health benefits so people here will die faster and he can shift that money over to fund wars (otherwise known as outsourcing the trauma industry overseas).