Monday, February 04, 2008

Pfizer - Trovan: extradition

Three Nigerian employees of Pfizer, who are being prosecuted for alegedly carrying out fatal drugs trials in 1996, appeared for the first time today before a Nigerian court, with the state of Kano seeking $2.75 billion in damages from the US drugs giant.

However, the judge at the court in the state of Kano decided to adjourn the trial until March 4 to allow both parties to better prepare their cases.

Nigerian authorities on Dec 24 issued arrest warrants on the three employees for ignoring an earlier summons.

The three employees have been pursued for eight months and appeared in court today for the first time.

The Nigerian state accuses them of having illegally tested the anti-malaria drug Trovan in 1996--tests which allegedly led to 11 deaths and deformities in 189 other cases such as blindness, deafness, brain damage and paralysis.

Meanwhile, three other employees of US nationality are still to appear before Nigerian courts as the country is still awaiting the results of an extradition order.


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