Monday, July 21, 2008

FIRM friends - a message from Dr Roy Poses

FIRM (The Foundation for Integrity and Responsibility in Medicine) is sponsoring an informal, invitational brain-storming meeting on improving health care ethics, governance and leadership.

The one-day meeting will be in Philadelphia on Friday, November 21, 2008.

After a brief introduction, we tentatively plan to work in small groups to address three main questions, how can we do better:

1- getting the message out;
2-involving more people, and
3-developing organization and structure.

We hope to also be able to organize a dinner the night of the meeting, a very informal dinner the night before for those getting in early, and possibly a breakfast the day after. There is a potential that there may be one or more related lectures the night or afternoon before.

We already have enough people committed to coming to make the meeting worthwhile. We should have room for a few more. Anyone interested in coming who has not communicated with me yet should email me as soon as possible. Questions, comments or suggestions are welcome, of course.

Please direct them to me at .

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