Monday, September 01, 2008

AstraZeneca - Seroquel: here we go again!


Anonymous said...

Lobotomy picture. Sweet. Illustrates the point quite well.

Anonymous said...

My name is Paul Harris and i would like to show you my personal experience with Seroquel.

I am 47 years old. Have been on Seroquel for 2 weeks now. I would NOT recommend this drug to anyone except those who only want to sleep all the time. Very poor!

I have experienced some of these side effects-
This drug knocks you out. Slept 17 hours with 200 mg dose the first time. Even 100 mg. makes me tired, dizzy, clouded mind, slurred speach and etc. all day.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Paul Harris

Anonymous said...

I was forced to take this drug against my will. The dumbshit doctors gave me a dosage of 900 mg on the first night. I ought to sue their asses. The most annoying side effect of this drug, other than the long-term dulling of your core reasoning skills, is the chronic eye twitching it induces. I weened myself off of the drug against all doctors' orders, but slowly enough to avoid seizure. My fucking psychiatrist didn't even know that was a potential danger... I should sue them all.

Anonymous said...

I have take seroquel by my own for 3 months, it helped me a lot, but I don't know what kind of doctor is stupid enough to prescribe 900mg in the first take every human being should start in 25mg before to go to sleep and raise the doze **IF THE CURRENT ISN'T ENOUGH**