Saturday, November 22, 2008

PharmaGossip supports Rost's bid for FDA Commish

Peter Rost writes:

I've never tried to get a government job in the past . . . and I could need your help.

Because, I think I could really turn the FDA around. If I became the FDA Commissioner I would want to reorient the FDA to focus on its primary customers . . . American citizens, instead of primarily serving the drug industry.

That means the agency would focus not only on fastest and most efficient processing of new drug applications, but would also ensure that unsafe drugs are taken off the market or labeling revised in a more timely manner.

Both these objectives should be equally important.

Second, I would want to ensure that hundreds of unapproved drugs that are sold illegally as prescription drugs would be taken off the market (most people don't know about this, read here), and that reimportation of drugs would become legal and regulated and appropriate safety measures taken to protect the public.

Third, I'd want to bring the kind of internal and external accountability that normally exist within private corporations to a government agency.

So my question to you is . . . do you know anyone to call, contact or suggest to assist in my attempt to put forth my name for consideration for FDA Commissioner?

Oh, and by the way, that online vote for FDA Commissioner is getting pretty interesting, see results here.



Insider says: Good luck Peter. You have my support. If anyone can help me help Peter please feel free to get in touch.


PharmaGuy said...

Cast your vote for Rost or one of nine other contenders in the "Who Should Obama Nominate for FDA Commissioner?" survey hosted by Pharma Marketing News here:

Write-ins - Jack Friday? -- accepted!

Anonymous said...

My support exists,

Dan Abshear