Sunday, June 14, 2009

An appeal from Michael Moore

At select theaters in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and Washington D.C. audiences were treated to this surprise teaser for Mike's new film. Since we didn't already give the CEOs enough, ushers entered the theaters with collection jars and some audience members actually pitched in!

Always giving it to the CEOs at


Michael Guzzo said...

That guy's quite a character. I like his cynicism. I was just thinking the other day about what's he doing now. Now I know.

Anonymous said...

We in Malaysia are enjoying high growth and high inflation, I do not understand all this complaining. We have to thank China for our strong growth as our economy was going down until March 2009 and China rescued us by buying our commodities. Currently there is strong job market, 2 jobs for every worker, we have to import in foreign labour to do jobs that locals do not want to do ! We have high inflation, an example is a local dessert called "cendol" selling for $1.20 in local currency a month ago, is now selling for $ 1.80 in local currency. Thats a hefty increase, so don't complain, enjoy the boom !