Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A cross Pharma Giles writes....

Looking back to when he got the top job at Phoni(UK) a little more than a year ago, Andrew Whohe says that morale was terrible in the imaginary pharma giant's troubled, unproductive UK R&D department. High turnover left staff angry as Phoni reoriented its approach to drug discovery and development. But it's all just fine now, says the CEO.

"Many of the people we had in the discovery organization left in the period of change, either through their own volition due to our aggressive HR policies, or because we fired them," Whohe told a conference late last week. "Today, a year or so later, I'm pleased at how fast this has bedded down."

Whohe describes the improvement in R&D in numerical terms.

“Firing or retiring anybody who was even remotely competent or experienced meant that our middle managers didn’t have to justify their random decisions to a load of bolshie scientists,” he said, “in line with our plan to radically reorient R&D. And indeed, shutting down all of our UK R&D sites and outsourcing all of the work to the Orient has allowed us to achieve our aims.”

“Who needs a load of clever-clever scientists in the UK when those little far-eastern chappies are so much more amenable, eh? And cheaper…” Whohe told the crowd. “Our research teams now are properly oriented—or at least oriental. It’s all part of the radical shift in R&D towards low quality and high margins…”

Real world story here...

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