Friday, June 26, 2009

Pharma Giles writes ,,,

Phoni Europe PLC will announce a reorganization of its research and development operations in coming weeks, Senior Executive Klaus Vilebastard said.

“We have a number of things to address in terms of how we get our people to work together, how we can provide more latitude for creativity, how we can develop them scientifically and how we can encourage external collaboration, because there is a world of science out there,” Vilebastard told reporters in an interview published today.

“And all of those things involve outsourcing R&D, firing scientists and buying into generics,” he explained.

Industry analysts reacted to the announcement with weary scepticism.

“Vilebastard’s ‘exciting new strategy’ is just the same as every other pharmaceutical company’s “exciting new strategy”, said one. “These executives just don’t get it, do they? Firing R&D staff to improve morale and discover new drugs? There’s a serious disconnect here…”

Vilebastard was in an upbeat mood, however.

“Our reorganisation strategy may seem like we are just following the herd, but we’re not. What makes us different is that we’ve spent a fortune to ensure that our bold new strategy has far better corporate logos and snappier named initiatives than our industry competitors,” Vilebastard boasted, “and that’s an investment that will really pay off in the long term…”

News of yet another dynamic breakthrough in increasing R&D efficiency can be found here. Ho hum…

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