Saturday, August 29, 2009

Big Pharma's "Gold-in Rule": Do whatever is necessary to bring in the maximum gold, without getting caught.

Insider thinks it might even be worse - even when Big Pharma get caught they just buy their way out of the problem and put it down to "the cost of doing business"!



pink rose said...

Sad but true. Not all that glitters is gold.

Anonymous said...

As a 30+ year veteran of big pharma, and still there, the bottom line for these companies is profit, only. Even in today's environment of hyping "patient well being", behind closed doors these mantras are only to try and rebuild public image and motivate the field sales force to sell even more. In truth, patient care is at the bottom of the list. To qoute an exec at my company regarding a fine of over $200,000,000: "Don't worry, its just the cost of doing business". No concern of the illegal activity or patient care - oh by the way - the public will pay that $200,000,000 in higher drug prices.