Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Key Opinion Leader Syndrome

Attention KOL's!

Do you suffer from:

(A) A pervasive pattern of travelling to scientific conferences and talking about research data you had no involvement in generating.

(B) Episodic logosagnosia (an episodic preoccupation with the surface of a science but inability to appreciate its substance).

(C) An unusual abilitiy to compartmentalise information.

(D) A significant number of ‘‘ghost-written” articles.

(E) A need to actively seek admiration by peers and subordinates.

(F) An exaggerated sense of your own talents, which can be inferred from expectations of recognition as an expert in the absence of commensurate achievements.

(G) An overblown sense of entitlement, i.e. unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment from symposium and congress organisers.

(H) Profound dysphoria if not involved with the ‘‘academic action”.

(I) Unreasonable envy of the scientific achievements of others and a liablity to denigrate these. Would also be unhappy if his colleagues had appeared on ‘‘educational” videos and he had not.

(J) Unawaredness of the disorder quality of the syndrome.

Go here for more info!

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