Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Genentech - Lucentis: Anyone know who Dr xxxxx is?

“Physicians now purchase the drug directly from Genentech for $1913 and get reimbursed at $2039 total, so they make $126 per Lucentis sale to the patient. Moreover, if the ophthalmologist practices at a Designated Share Hospital (DSH), otherwise known as a 340B hospital, then they purchase Lucentis at a cost of $1648.37 and get reimbursed at $2039 for a profit of $400 just for selling the drug to the patient.

I’m sure that wasn’t the intention of the 340B designation, but that’s the reality and, needless to say, that’s why all those 340B retina specialists go around promoting Lucentis and we’re talking big names like xxxxx.

Of course, there’s never any disclosure about these profits.”

The Healthcare Channel on

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