Thursday, October 08, 2009

Pharma Giles writes.....

Billy Brilliant talks about PharmRMA highlights for September…

“Isn’t everything brilliant nowadays?

Take that Senator Baucus. We and our mates pay him loads of money, and he gets to chair the US Senate Finance Committee. Brilliant!

That means our bought and paid for patsy gets to make sure that our industry can carry on pretending to make a “$80 billion commitment” to health care reform whilst it carries on price-gouging and ripping off Medicaid, just like it always has.

Can we buy Obama just like we did Bush? Yes we can. Isn’t that brilliant?

And what about our Principles on Conduct of Clinical Trials and Communication of Clinical Trial Results, eh? Aren’t they just brilliant?

We get to make lots of pious noises about reporting bad trials results instead of burying them. Or not bribing doctors with all-expenses luxury paid “trial events”. Or even not using ghostwriters to produce advertorials to be signed by lazy, greedy tame medics. Sounds brilliant, doesn’t it?

But what’s really brilliant are that these are just guidelines. We don’t really want any of our members to follow them, and we certainly won’t be policing compliance. ‘Cos that would mean they would have to start being honest, and that might just cost them money. And that wouldn’t be brilliant.

So we just sound like we’re trying to increase transparency, when really we’re just all smoke and mirrors.

That’s brilliant, innit? Bloody brilliant. Everything’s BRILLIANT.”

PhRMA and the Fast Show. Life imitating art?

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