It seemed too good to be true: a rarely used antihistamine showed unprecedented effectiveness at slowing the decline of Alzheimer's patients in a Russian clinical trial. Perhaps it was. Dimebon, the former antihistamine, failed to meet either its main or secondary efficacy goals in a large, phase III trial, according to the drug's maker, Medivation. The company and its partner, Pfizer say they are exploring all options with regard to the experimental medicine's future.
I think we all knew in our hearts that Dimebon was too good to be true.
It just felt nice to think that some treatment for one of the worst health conditions of our time was on the horizon.
It is not only Russian studies you have to cast a cold eye upon. What about the Edward Tobinick Studies
Not bad for a Los Angeles dermatologist with a practice he calls Institute of Laser Medicine which also doubles as Institute for Neurological Research. Alzheimer's, Disc-related disease, metastatic Cancer, SARS, no problem. Tobinick has managed to make extraordinary claims in the off-label use of an anti-TNF biologic therapy for rheumatoid arthritis - etanercept (Enbrel) for all these chronic conditions and some more, but it does not stop there. Tobinick claims to have invented two unique procedures (which he claims patent rights) in the novel administration of his treatment. Has Tobinick over these last ten years ever provided one piece of data for independent scrutiny; the answer is NO! While you digest these facts, there are Alzheimer's families seeking out Tobinick at his clinics, there are Alzheimer's families seeking out Medical Doctors, who have signed up with Tobinick, and for a fee and royalty, provide 'The Tobinick Method' off-label etanercept (Enbrel)administration to desperate Alzheimer's patients. If you want a medical ponzi scheme, I volunteer Tobinick's Alzheimer's claims. Let me guide you to Tobinick's pre Alzheimer's claims, when he put all his talent with off-label use of etanercept (Enbrel) for disc-related disease, which he patented as 'DiskCure' . Tobinick early on, learned the persusive qualities of creating his own 'testimonial videos' depicting 'real life' people and their experiences after Tobinick's etanercept treatment. This real 'testimonial video' is one of my favorites.
The title: Video 7: Rapid relief for an orthopedic surgeon following the patented perispinal etanercept treatment at the INR.
Tobinick created video claims this is an Orthopedic Surgeon......this is beyond absurdity.
Today April 13, 2010 in the online open access Journal of Neuroinflammation, a milestone was passed when the Number 1 most accessed article passed the 80,000 threshold, namely: Case report
Rapid cognitive improvement in Alzheimer's disease following perispinal etanercept administration
Edward L Tobinick, Hyman Gross
Journal of Neuroinflammation 2008, 5:2 (9 January 2008)
This has to go down as a day of infamy in the annals of Alzheimer's research, when a dermatologist claims 80,000 accesses for a spurious article.
Journal of Neuroinflammation Top 10 most accessed articles for last 30 days / past year / all time
Case report
Rapid cognitive improvement in Alzheimer's disease following perispinal etanercept administration
Edward L Tobinick, Hyman Gross
Journal of Neuroinflammation 2008, 5:2 (9 January 2008)
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles] [F1000 Biology] [Cited on BioMed Central]
36494 Commentary
Perispinal etanercept: Potential as an Alzheimer therapeutic
W Sue T Griffin
Journal of Neuroinflammation 2008, 5:3 (10 January 2008)
[Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF] [PubMed] [Related articles] [Cited on BioMed Central]
they ought to try B-12 shots as many dxed with alzheimers actually have subacute degeneration of the spinal cord,brain atrophy or interference of acytlcholine......... The fortification of food with folate causes b-12 dificiency [especially in elderly populations, and the very young/autism]interuption of glutamic acid and acytetyl choline in the brain,and interuption of one carbon metabolism ,brain lesions in celiacs,along with dismyelination that will cause tangles...........
OXYMORON - Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics - published a creation by Edward Tobinick Dermatologist
On the Alzheimer’s topic. Can I guide the readership to this brand new OXYMORON : Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics (June 2010 edition) after internal peer-review - made the decision to publish
[ Perispinal etanercept: a new therapeutic paradigm in neurology ] author Edward Tobinick
Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, June 2010, Vol. 10, No. 6, Pages 985-1002.
Edward Tobinick Affiliations:
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, 100 UCLA Medical Plaza, Suites 205–210, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA.
On reading Edward Tobinick affiliations that accompany this paper; Where does Edward Tobinick work and what are his clinical qualifications. Write them down and then compare with what you find in these links!
NOW, Who is the Moron! eh ‘EXPERTS’ at Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics
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Follow on Teaser on Edward Tobinick the Dermatologist
Follow on Teaser: Open Link and click on Video 7. After viewing it, I invite you to cast your vote in ‘THE POLL: Orthopedic Surgeon attends Tobinick the Dermatologist for ‘DiskCure’ - off label etanercept (Enbrel)
Open this link and click on Video 7
Video 7: Rapid relief for an orthopedic surgeon following the patented perispinal etanercept treatment at the INR.
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