Pfitanic Lieutenant Heralds “Golden Age of Sailing”
Lieutenant Martin MacKay, officer in charge of R&D for the Blue Oval Line, today heralded a “Golden Age Of Sailing” for the pride of its fleet, the S.S. Pfitanic.
”We’re unsinkable”, he proudly proclaimed, “and there’s not an iceberg in sight.”
“Since we’ve cast adrift US/UK R&D and manufacturing workers and taken on board some cheaper crewmates from the Far East, we’ve never been more buoyant.”
”It’s full steam ahead…”
Stop Press:
”Where’s all that bloody water coming from?” asks Lieutenant Mackay.
Oh they built the ship Pfitanic
to sail the ocean blue
and they thought they had a ship
that the water would never go through.
But the Lord's almighty hand
said the ship would never stand.
It was sad when the great ship went down.
It was sad.
So sad.
It was sad.
So sad.
Husbands and wives, little children lost their lives.
It was sad when the great ship went down.
Second Verse
They were nearing English shores
when the waves began to roar
and the rich (alternative: Kindler) refused to associate with the poor.
So they sent them down below where they'd be the first to go.
It was sad when the great ship went down.
It was sad.
So sad.
It was sad.
So sad.
Husbands and wives, little children lost their lives.
It was sad when the great ship went down.
Bass: To the Bottom of the Seaaaaa
Why, is that an Exubera inhaler, one of the many disasters MacKay has presided over these past few years?
And is that former executives Karen Katen and Hank McKinnell saling away in the lifeboat, with what looks like buckets of cash?
The picture alone tells you all you need to know about Pfizer.
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