Friday, May 28, 2010

The Carlat Psychiatry Blog: A Hot City, an Empty Exhibit Hall, and a Stern Mina Dulcan

1 comment:

A said...

Well, well, well, when you walk along on both sides of the fence as Dr. Carlat has done, I'm not surprised in the least at this reaction from these peers and others.

"@dcarlat says psychologists would need additional training in psychopharmacology to do this, but it wouldn't have to be very extensive

less than a minute ago via web

@dcarlat solution: Let the nearly 100,000 psychologists in the US diagnose mental illness AND prescribe certain drugs as well

Mentally ill people need prescriptions, but can’t get them because of this shortage

@dcarlat: there is a critical shortage of psychiatrists in the US: 30,000 practicing psychiatrists, but we need about 40,000 more"

The obvious facts show that Dr. Carlat still pimps out these drugs as part of doing business as usual in his own practice, he has consistently played apologist for some of the most horrific drugging offenders in medicine/academia (J. Biederman Harvard), is a strong proponent of making dangerous antidepressant drugs available over the counter without prescription, and not to even mention his long and sorted history of being a marketing pimp for Big Pharma

(Do you think he has given all that dirty money he made from Pharma to charity?)

He is, just what he is, this particular psychiatric leopard has not changed his spots after all. He just went hiding in the brush hoping not to be called out in the coming inevitable hunt for the real truth.

Just another great smoke and mirrors job in my personal opinion.