Monday, May 10, 2010

PharmaTimes | Spain: doctors “need financial incentives to prescribe generics”

Generics currently hold very low market shares in Spain - just 14% in terms of volume and 6.5% by value - and the government is seeking to double these levels over the next three years, although the local generic industry group, the AESEG, says penetration needs to reach at least 50% during this period.

Posted via web from Jack's posterous

1 comment:

Ichigo said...

Unfair Competition!

By offering doctors financial incentives to prescribe generics, Spanish Health Authorities are balancing the market in favour of the Generic Industry, and hitting that part of the Pharmaceutical Industry that provides innovation. No wonder why companies are becoming more and more reluctant to launch new products in Spain...

Meanwhile, medium price or the recipes are the lowest ever, but the number of recipes by physician is in a continuous growing. Nobody seems to take care of that.