Sunday, May 16, 2010

"Repeat whistle-blowers exist in the pharma industry because off-label marketing is so prevalent,"


1 comment:

bigredbruce said...

After having read the NEJM report on aftermath of whistle blowing on the whistle blowers themselves, I was pretty sympathetic that this wasn't a money making opportunity and that there was a significant personal downside in stepping forward.
I ust say though that I'm having a slight uneasy visceral reaction to the concept that some whistle blowers are engaging in this multiple times. To a degree, I can buy the argument that the illegal practices are so widespread that it is fairly commone for an employee to encounter off label marketing (for example). I can understand that a person who was experienced in the process then might have a leg up in getting involved again. But, it is still unsettling to think we could be creating a cottage industry here - especially when the truth teller pulls down a 7-figure reward as a result. I'm uneasy.