Wednesday, May 26, 2010

UK's NICE Rejects Bayer's Appeal For Nexavar; Says Costs Too High

The independent body was considering Nexavar to treat advanced hepatocellular carcinoma, or HCC, in patients who are unable to have surgery or other treatments. Normal life expectancy for these patients is less than 24 months.

Nice said trial evidence it saw "showed that sorafenib increases survival by an average further 2.8 months, but at a cost of GBP27,000 per patient. Half of the patients who gained some benefit received less than this amount of additional life."

Andrew Dillon, chief executive of NICE said: "We were disappointed not to have been able to recommend the use of sorafenib, but after carefully considering all the evidence, including the proposed patient access scheme in which the manufacturer offered to provide every fourth pack free, sorafenib does not provide enough benefit to patients to justify its high cost."

Posted via web from Jack's posterous

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