Tuesday, June 01, 2010

BBC News - Shipman coroner says all baby deaths must be probed

"The law says that the death of babies is of course treated in the same way as the death of anyone else and therefore if it is that the doctors can certify the death as being natural there is no reason why the death should be brought within the ambit of the coroner," Mr Pollard told BBC File on 4.

But he added: "My own view, however, is that it would be helpful if the death of all children, particularly very young children and babies, could be reported to the coroner so that we had a consistent overview of what was happening."

File on 4 is broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on Tuesday, 1 June, 2010, at 2000 BST, repeated Sunday, 6 June, at 1700 BST. You can listen via the BBC iPlayer or download the podcast.

Posted via web from Jack's posterous


Anonymous said...

Deaths of infants due to SIDS increased by 60% at the time of introduction of SSRI's.

SSRI's are documented to cause PAH (see FDA website).

Most cases of neonatal PAH are misdiagnosed as SIDS.

SSRI's and atypical antipsychotics cause neonatal death in animal pups in cross fostering studies, i.e. don't expose mothers or pups during pregnancy, but exposure via breast feeding when moms are not sickened results in massive death among newborn animals.

Is there a connection?


Anonymous said...

Check out the following articles on the increase in miscarriages with SSRI's largely due to cardiac toxicities.



By the way I didn't see it until June 2 more than 12 hours after I made the previous comment.
