Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Pharma comms chief warns healthcare PR professionals of social media pitfalls

Novartis Vaccines & Diagnostics director of communications Jo Taylor was speaking at a PRWeek Conference in London last week.

The one-day conference aimed to address frustrations within the healthcare communications industry that it cannot use social media in campaigns because of the strict guidelines governing the pharmaceutical industry.

Taylor told the packed conference hall: ‘My concern... is that we are throwing away our skills. Traditional media should still be the mainstay of a public campaign.'

She claimed that many healthcare PROs were too quick to consider online at the expense of traditional outlets.

‘It is easier to make a video and put it on YouTube than to try to sell in a video to the BBC,' said Taylor.

‘There is a growing conservatism of losing control when using traditional media, but the lack of control and the independence is what makes it more influential.

‘There is a lot of misinformation about healthcare, and a piece in The Times will drown that out more than bloggers.

Posted via web from Jack's posterous

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