Saturday, November 13, 2010

Please watch this: Bill Moyers - Welcome to the Plutocracy

Watch this video on YouTube
Read the speech


Anonymous said...

Utterly brilliant. Thank you for posting this, Jack...

Medical Quack said...

Very good post and I agree with what he has to say and one other item to the credit of the money shift and methodologies - technology and the processes that run in the background.

I have seen this developing for years and the mathematical formulas that create profits where they did not exist before pretty much run in the background, beyond where the average citizen knows where to look and what to look for.

Wall Street goes to battle with machine gun technology and we have sword and daggers and it's no secret who is winning the battle with capitalism.

The part on the lobbyists were right on and Rachel Maddow proved it with their "Mission" with images and names as they were not smart enough to remove the staff names which were former lobbyists, like for Pfizer, AIG and more. To me this was huge, but somehow I think should have received more attention as it was right there in our faces of how lobbyists created the GOP mission.