Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Who killed the bill? Blow the Whistle! - WNYC

On December 22nd, in the face of seemingly unanimous bipartisan support, the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act was killed at the last minute when a mystery Senator placed what’s called an anonymous hold on the bill. This bill had already been passed by the Senate earlier in December and by the House earlier that same day, but in the final vote on the reconciled bill, which is designed to protect government workers from being punished – as they usually are – for exposing illegality, waste and corruption – it was shut down by a lone anonymous hold. 

On the Media, in conjunction with the Government Accountability Project, would like to, well, hold our government accountable. Below is a table containing the names, states, and contact information for the 87 Senators still serving that could have put the anonymous hold on this bill. Clicking on a Senator’s name will take you to the contact page on their website.

We’re asking our listeners to call, write, email their Senators and ask them “did you kill this bill?” However they answer, email us at and we will post information as we receive it on the website. Please be sure to ask for the name of the person that you spoke to. Hopefully we can blow the whistle on the Senator that would refuse protections to government whistleblowers.

Tips For Tracking Down Anonymous Holds

Posted via email from Jack's posterous

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