Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: Michael Moore Arrives in Liberty Plaza | Suite101.com

Occupy Wall Street protesters had just returned to Zuccotti Park (renamed Liberty Plaza) from the latest of their daily marches through the streets of New York. It had been a peaceful progress with none of the controversial arrests, which had marred a similar progress two days before. Several people Tweeted that they had made it to the famous Wall Street bull, before turning around and heading to the small urban park that many have been calling home for the past ten days.

They were in good spirits. This was September 26th 2011, when Noam Chomsky had announced his solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement. The protesters had seen their inspiration create several parallel demonstrations around the USA. OccupyChicago has already been set up. As the first of the New York marchers entered Liberty Plaza, a huge cheer went up. Another legendary American activist was standing in their midst. Michael Moore had arrived in person.

Posted via email from Jack's posterous

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