Friday, July 06, 2012

Punytive Damages? World’s Biggest Corporate Fines

Punytive Damages? Biggest corporate fines - Information is Beautiful

These settlements are scattered and hard to find. So let us know if we missed any.

concept & design: David McCandless | additional design: Kathryn Ariel Kay, Piero Zagami | research: Dan Hampson, Christian Miles
sources: various company reports & media stories (NY Times, BBC, The Guardian, The Washington Post) | data:
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such fines are not a deterrent, for such large corporations. GSK just paid 3 billion or so in fines for wrongdoing. But to them, that is a drop in the bucket, and is considered by them a cost of doing business. Same goes with corporate integrity agreements issued to such corporations. They are rarely followed, as illustrated by large corporations being fined for wrongdoing over and over again. Never is such a corporation guilty of wrongdoing ever forbidden from doing business with the U.S. government, because the prosecutors of this government have an intimate relationship with these corporations. This relationship is pathologically intimate, and screams fascism.