Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Christmas shopping - Laughing at Pharma

The blurb says: "Is there anything to laugh at in such a serious industry? As the cartoons show, the answer is an unqualified yes. We can all laugh at the frustrations, challenges, and small triumphs that make up our daily work life. Most of all, we can have a good laugh at ourselves. And laughter is powerful medicine for anyone, even people in the business of creating pharmaceuticals. A great gift for clients, employees and friends."

" Common side effects include uncontrollable chuckles and the urge to share cartoons with your friends and colleagues. In rare instances, infectious laughter has been known to result. Perfect as a corporate gift or as a coffee table accessory, Laughing at Pharma is only available through the Pharmaceutical Institute. Ask your physician if this book is right for you!"

This inane publication (88 pages; $24.95) comes to us from The Cartoon Bank and The Pharmaceutical Institue.

As someone who does a tremendous amount of laughing at Big Pharma, Insider wonders if this will fly off the shelves at this "difficult" time for the industry? Probably not!

Source: PharmaLive

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